Posted by: shrazvi | January 18, 2020


Posted by: shrazvi | October 13, 2019


“When one of them is brought the news of a female [newborn], his face becomes darkened and he chokes with suppressed agony.
“He hides from the people out of distress at the news he has been brought: shall he retain it in humiliation, or bury it in the ground! Look! Evil is the judgment that they make.” (Holy Qur’an 16:58-59)
The above ayahs depict the state of anguish and horror of a non-Muslim society at the birth of a daughter.
Why should the father be shocked? Isn’t the daughter a human being?
Of course she is, but for a variety of reasons, he shudders at what awaits her when she grows up. Irrespective of the burden of dowry he may have to procure, he is more worried about the dishonor she may bring – whether or not he had treated the daughters of other people with respect.
Because of the un-Islamic nature of the society, where often the rights of the females are denied, the prime cause of anguish is the commercialization of women and their treatment as mere objects of carnal desires – and all these in the name of freedom and liberties.
The other reasons of distress of fathers and parents whose hearts are devoid of true Islamic belief (even if they pay lip service to Islam), is the prospect of parting with part of the family wealth as inheritance to her that would reduce the share of the sons.
Still, in the case of those who have no proper cognizance of the Infinite Wisdom of God the Almighty Creator, let alone acquaintance with the letter and spirit of the dynamism of Islam, the main reason of sadness at the birth of a daughter (especially when there is no son), is the horrifying thought of the end of lineage – for it is males who are considered the means of continuation of posterity.
Thanks to Islam, all such notions regarding daughters were changed for good. For the first time in history, women found themselves placed on the pedestal of dignity and honor, since the laws of God neither allow the abuse and commercialization of women as objects of carnal desire, nor do they impose excessive burden on the parents regarding dowry. At the same time, women have the right to education, own property, and choose the spouse.
The Hijab grants women freedom and liberty in the real sense of these terms, and with it dignity and respect in society that gives meaning to life. As the other half of the mankind, it is the woman who, in addition to providing peace and solace to the husband, plays the fundamental role in building a sound and healthy society by bringing up children in the proper manner, on the basis of faith and moral values – factors that rule out immorality and with it any agonizing thoughts for parents.
That is the reason Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) told one of the neo Muslim Arabs who frowned on receiving news of the birth of a daughter to him: “The earth bears her, the heavens shade her and the Almighty gives her food. For you, she is like a flower, smell her fragrance”.
In order to remove misconceptions from the society, on another occasion, he said: “Twelve graces descend over the person’s house where there are daughters. Heavenly blessings are showered on that house and angels visit that house for a glimpse”.
The Almighty’s Last Messenger was not a mere preacher but a practical demonstrator of whatever the All-Wise Creator revealed to him for the good of mankind. He set the personal example and it is for this reason the holy Qur’an calls him the “Excellent Exemplar”.
Thus on the 20th of Jamadi al-Akher, Divine Providence decided to reward Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) with the greatest of perpetual gifts, after he and his beloved wife, Umm al-Momineen (Mother of all True Believers), Hazrat Khadija (SA), lost two sons, Qassim and Taher, in infancy.
The pagan Arabs, such as Aas bin Wa’el, tried to mock him as “Abtar”, which literally means “tailless” and refers to the one without progeny. They thought the name of the person in whose mission they had no belief, would soon disappear and die out, while their ill-begotten brats would guarantee the continuation of their lineage.
How wrong were they! To the bewilderment of these retarded minds, God not only granted the Prophet a radiant daughter (conceived of the fruit of paradise he ate during his me ‘raj or physical ascension to the heavens and back to Planet Earth in a fraction of a night), but as the following Surah bears testimony, the perpetuity of his blessed offspring, similar to the perennially inexhaustible Fountain of Kowthar.
“In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate; Indeed, We have given you Kowthar; So, pray to your Lord, and offer sacrifice; Indeed it is your enemy who is without posterity.”
The hypocrites amongst the Muslims, might deny that “Kowthar” refers to the Prophet’s Impeccable Daughter, the Noblest-ever Lady of all times (Seyyedat-an-Nisa al-alamin min al-awwalin wa’l-akherin), but as is obvious by the last part of this Surah which says “Indeed your enemy is without posterity”, Kowthar is undoubtedly Hazrat Fatemat- az-Zahra (SA).
Today, as we celebrate “Mother’s Day” in the Islamic Republic of Iran and other Islamic societies abroad, in honor of the Infallible Mother who gave to the world such all-time perfect sons and daughters like Imam Hassan (AS), Imam Husain (AS), Hazrat Zainab (SA) and Hazrat Kulsum (SA), let us refer to a hadith from the Prophet mentioned in the books of our Sunni brethren (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Musnad Ibn Hanbal, etc) regarding “Kowthar” and its connection to the person without whom the Prophet’s only daughter would have remained a spinster like the Virgin Mary:
“Kowthar is a stream of super excellence exclusively belonging to me. Only the righteous believers (among my followers) will be allowed to drink from it. Ali (AS) will distribute water from it to them. On the day of Judgment, I will see some of my companions driven like cattle away from Kausar (Kowthar). It will be announced that they are those, who after my departure from the world, deviated from the true religion and introduced innovations to corrupt the faith”.
It is recorded that from that day onwards, one of the epithets of Imam Ali (AS) became Saqi al-Kowthar meaning the one who quenches the thirst of believers at the heavenly stream of Kowthar – and the one who as the husband of “Kowthar” ensured eternity for the Prophet’s progeny, while the lineage of the arrogantly ignorant enemies who had prided on male issue, vanished forever into the shifting sands of Arabia.
The above subject was dealt beautifully in a star plus TV program “Satyamev Jayeta” by Aamir Khan where the instances of female foeticide practiced by people in India was showcased, it is an cursed abomination which was practiced in medieval ages by the pagan Arabs which is denounced in the Holy Quran as a curse.
Let us celebrate the birth of daughters, and let us thank Allah for the birth of a healthy full formed child, be it boy or girl. Because Allah knows what is best for his beings.

Posted by: shrazvi | December 29, 2018



Source: Chapter 7 from the famous book Asre Zahoor [The Time of appearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S.)] written by famous Lebanese scholar Allama Ali al-Korani which was first published in 1984

Yemen and its role at the Time of Appearance

Many narratives from Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)[The Family members of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)] have been reported about the Islamic revolution in Yemen and preparation of Yemeni Muslims for the appearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S.). Some of narratives are from authentic Islamic sources that emphasize the occurrence of this Islamic revolution in Yemen and describe it as a guiding flag, aiming to prepare for the Imam Mahdi’s uprising. [1] Even some of the traditions consider the Islamic Revolution of Yemen as the most imminent and absolute guiding flag before appearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and emphasize helping this Islamic movement in Yemen more than helping the flags that will rise in favour of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) from the east from Khurasan (Iran). These authentic Islamic narratives also mention the time of its occurrence in the month of Rajab concurrent with emergence of Sufyani in Syria which will be few months before the appearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and mention Sana as the capital city of this Islamic movement in Yemen.

However, the name of its leader according to these narratives is ‘Yemeni’ and other narratives mention ‘Hasan’ or ‘Hussein’ and that he be from the progeny of Zayd, son of Imam Ali ibn Husain (A.S.).

Now the most important narratives about the Yemeni revolution:

From Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (A.S.), it has been narrated that he said:

قبل قيام القائم خمس علامات محتومات: اليماني ، والسفياني ، والصيحة ، وقتل النفس الزكية ، والخسف بالبيداء.

“Before the uprising of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) there will be five certain signs: Yemeni, Sufyani, the call from the sky, murder of Nafs Zakiyyah, a pure soul (a pious personality), and the rift in the desert”. [2]*

And Imam Jafar al-Sadiq also said:

خروج السفياني واليماني والخراساني في سنة واحدة ، في شهر واحد ، في يوم واحد ، نظام كنظام الخرز يتبع بعضه بعضاً ، فيكون البأس من كل وجه ، ويل لمن ناواهم. وليس في الرايات راية أهدى من راية اليماني ، هي راية حق لأنه يدعو إلى صاحبكم ، فإذا خرج اليماني حرم بيع السلاح على الناس ، وإذا خرج اليماني فانهض إليه فإن رايته راية هدى ، ولا يحل لمسلم أن يلتوي عليه ، فمن فعل ذلك فهو من أهل النار ، لأنه يدعو إلى الحق وإلى طريق مستقيم.

“Emergence of Sufyani and Yemeni and Khurasani in one year, and one month and one day and they are consecutive like beads falling from string. Difficulty, hardship and distress will come from every side, Oh! On someone who disagrees and has enmity with them, among all flags, there is no flags like Yemeni flag for guidance, because this is the flag of just and truth and invites you to your leader Imam Mahdi (A.S.). When Yemeni uprises, selling arms and weapons will be illegal and forbidden for the people. And when he emerges, hurry towards him because his flag is the flag of guidance, and insubordination is not permitted to any Muslim and if someone does, he/she will go to hell, because he invites people to the righteous and straight path”. [3]

From it is reported that Imam Reza (A.S.), when someone claimed to be Mahdi, said:

قبل هذا الأمر السفياني واليماني والمرواني وشعيب بن صالح ، فكيف يقول هذا هذا.

“Before this event, there will be Sufyani, Marwani, and Shu’ayb Ibn Saleh so how does he say this and that”. [4]

Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlisi (RA) says: أي كيف يقول هذا الذي خرج أني القائم ، يعني محمد بن إبراهيم ، أو غيره ‘That is how when Muhammad bin Ibrahim or other emerge will say I am the upriser’ and the meaning of Marwani that has been mentioned in this narrative, perhaps is ‘Abqe’ or is the one mentioned in the narratives about Khurasan and there is a mistake in the version by writers.

From Imam Sadiq (A.S.) it has been narrated that he said:

خروج الثلاثة الخراساني والسفياني واليماني في سنة واحدة في شهر واحد في يوم واحد وليس فيها راية بأهدى من راية اليماني يهدي إلى الحق.

“Emergence of these three men, Khurasani, Sufyani and Yemeni would happen in one year and one month and one day. And the flag of Yemeni is the most righteous flag, because it invites to the truth”. [5]

Hasham ibn Hakam has been quoted that he said: “When the ‘truth seeker’ emerged, Abu Abdullah (Imam Sadiq (A.S.)) was asked: “Do you hope this person is Yemeni? Imam (A.S.) said:  لا . اليماني يتوالى علياً ، وهذا يبرأ منه “No, Yemeni is lover of Imam Ali (A.S.) and this person hates him”. [6]

And in this narrative it has also been quoted that اليماني والسفياني كفرسي رهان “Yemeni and Sufyani are like two racing horses, each tries to overtake from the other”.

And in some traditions about Imam Mahdi (A.S.), it has been narrated: يخرج من اليمن من قرية يقال لها كرعة “He [Yemeni] would emerge from Yemen and from a village named Kar’ah.” [7]*

It may not be unlikely that this person is the same Yemeni and his followers that will uprise from this region, because what is frequent and constant in these narratives is that Imam Mahdi (A.S.) will appear from Makkah and holy Masjid al-Haram located in Hejaz.

In the book of ‘Bashara al-Islam’ it has been narrated that:

ثم يخرج ملك من صنعاء اسمه حسين أو حسن ، فيذهب بخروجه غمر الفتن ، يظهر مباركاً زاكياً ، فيكشف بنوره الظلماء ، ويظهر به الحق بعد الخفاء.

“Then a commander from Sana’a [present capital of Yemen] called Hassan or Hussein will uprise and with his uprising all seditions will end, he will appear blessed and pure and under his light, the darkness will disappear and the truth will appear and reveal”. [8]

Now let us mention few important points about the Yemeni’s revolution

It’s not unusual that since those involved in supportive activities for Imam Mahdi’s (A.S.) revolution from Yemen will have major role in revolution of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) in Hejaz, their names or exact roles are not mentioned in narratives. This could be for the purpose of protection of Yemeni’s Islamic revolution and as preventive measure to avoid destructive harm to it.  We will soon mention in the chapter of Imam Mahdi’s revolution that the human forces (soldiers) that will revolt in Makkah and Hejaz and will establish Imam Mahdi (A.S.) army there will be mostly his supporters from Hejaz and Yemen.

  1. The role of Yemenis in Iraq

According to some of the narratives in order to chase and fight with Sufyani, Yemeni will enter Iraq with his army. Yemenis and Iranian forces will enter Iraq to face Sufyani and from these narratives we can interpret that the Yemenis troops will have supportive the role under the command of Iranian forces in Iraq, because apparently the side which will be involved with Sufyani are the Orient i.e. they will companions of Khurasani army and Shu’ayb and looks like the Yemenis will go back to Yemen after helping them.

On the other hand, in addition to the Hejaz, Yemenis will play major role in the Persian Gulf region. However, the narratives have not mentioned it precisely but naturally by succession of the events at the time of appearance and considering geopolitical situation of region, the control and sovereignty of Yemen, Hejaz and Persian Gulf countries will be mainly in Yemenis forces and Imam Mahdi’s (A.S.) followers’; hands.

  1. Why Yemeni’s flag is the more guided than the Khurasani flag?

While the flags from Khurasan and East in general described as a flags of guidance and their dead are considered martyrs and God aids and assist his religion by the army from Khurasan or although a relatively large number of Iranians will be ministers of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and also his companions, including the commander of Iranian forces named Shu’ayb Ibn Saleh whom Imam Mahdi (as) will select him as the Commander-in-Chief of his army and although the roles of Iranians for the preparation of Imam’s uprising is considered broad and active and their uprising, sacrificing and their revolution is beginning of Imam’s movement but why is Yemeni’s revolution and their guidance flags is considered to be more important and guided than Iranians and their flags?

Maybe this is because the administrative system that the Yemenis political leadership will use to control Yemen is more accurate and simple and closer to Islam’s style, so the difference between these two experiences goes back to the nature and simplicity of Yemeni society and the cultural inheritance and social makeup of the Iranian community. Perhaps the other reason that Yemeni’s revolution is considered more guiding is because of their executive power is more direct and have more abiding and loyal forces that pay intense and continuous attention to the authorities.

These are the same instructions that Islam gives to its authority and personnel and employees as we can see in the Charter of Imam Ali (A.S.) that he gave to Malek al-Ashtar, his appointed governor of Egypt. [9]* And it is mentioned about the attributes of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) “He is tough on his officers and employees and kind to the poor people” while Iranian policy is not based on this principle and are not punishing their irresponsible, negligent or traitor leaders to the interests of Muslims in public as a lesson for observers. The reason is they are afraid of weakening of Islamic state that is the only living example of existence of an Islamic government.

And perhaps the flag of Yemen is more guided because for pursuing the global Islamic movement, it will not observe the prevalent international laws, protocols and treaties while the Islamic revolution of Iran is following the prevalent international laws, protocols and treaties. However, what is likely to be the main reason for Yemeni’s revolution to be more rightly guided is because of its direct guidance from Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and Yemen will be the part of Imam Mahdi’s territory and lead the planning of his movement. Additionally, Yemeni himself will meet Imam Mahdi (A.S.) and directly obtain guidance from him. The proof of this matter is in the narratives about Yemeni’s revolution that praises its leader, i.e., the Yemeni himself and describes him with this sentence: ”Yemeni will guide to the right path” and “calls you to your master” and that “disobeying him is not permitted for any Muslim and who does so goes to hell”.

However, the narratives about Islamic revolution in Iran that consider preparation for Imam Mahdi’s (A.S.) movement mostly praise people more than their leaders as the companions of black flags or people from the Khurasan and East and group of the people from the East. However, Shu’ayb ibn Saleh is specially praised in narratives compared to the other commanders of the Black Flags army from Khurasan and after him the Seyyed Khurasani and then a man from Qom had been praised.

Based on what is mentioned above, the Yemeni’s revolution will be closer in time to the appearance of Imam Mahdi (A.S.) than the Islamic revolution in Iran, even if we assume that the Yemeni uprises before the Sufyani or perhaps another Yemeni will prepare the movement of the promised Yemeni. The Islamic revolution in Iran founded by ‘a man from Qom’[Ayatollah Khomeini] which is a beginning of Imam Mahdi’s (A.S.) movement and uprising that will “start from the Eastern region [Khurasan]” and the time interval between their revolution and between Khurasani and Shu’ayb is perhaps twenty or fifty years or what is willed by God, will happen. This will be such revolution, started and based on Ijtihad of religious scholars and their political representatives. However, does not enjoy sincerity of Yemeni revolution that will be guided directly from Imam Mahdi (A.S.).

  1. Possibility of having more than one Yemeni

The other point is about the possibility of being more than one Yemeni and that the second Yemeni will be the promised one. The traditions mention his emergence at the same time with Sufyani from Syria, i.e. in the same year as of Imam Mahdi’s (A.S.) appearance. There is another authentic narrative from Imam Sadiq (A.S.) that says:

يخرج قبل السفياني مصري ويماني.

“An Egyptian and a Yemeni will uprise before the Sufyani.” [10]

According to this narrative, this person should be the first Yemeni who will prepare the way for the promised Yemeni, like “A man from Qom” [Ayatollah Khomeini] and others from the East [Khurasan] will prepare the way for both promised Khurasani and Shu’ayb.

But only this narrative determines the time of emergence of first Yemeni that is before the Sufyani. Of course may be this is a short interval of time before or very long years before him. And Allah knows best.

  1. A tradition from Imam Sadiq (A.S.) about the one with blind eye

Obayd bin Zararah has narrated from Imam Sadiq (A.S.) that he said:

ذكر عند أبي عبدالله عليه السلام السفياني فقال: أنى يخرج ذلك ولم يخرج كاسر عينه بصنعاء.

“I was with Abu Abdullah (Imam Sadiq (A.S.) when the name of the Sufyani was mentioned, he said: how can he emerge while his eyes blinder has not emerged yet”. [11]

This tradition is from the noteworthy narratives and comes from some most authentic book named ‘Ghaybah al-No’mani’ that could have correct reference. It is likely that this man that appears before the Sufyani and would be probably the first Yemeni who paves the base for the promised Yemeni. There can be a few more interpretations in the narrative of “his eyes blinder” and the best one is that it could be an encrypted sentence from Imam Sadiq (A.S.) and its meaning would not clear except at its own time.

Notes and References:

Yemeni in Hadith is mentioned as Yemeni

[1] Authentic tradition is the one reported by all the trustworthy narrators.

[2]* Bihar al-Anwar v. 52 p. 204.

[3] Bisharah al-Islam, p. 93.

[4] Bihar al-Anwar v. 52 p. 233.

[5] Bihar al-Anwar v. 52 p. 210.

[6] Bihar al-Anwar v. 52 p. 75.

[7]* Bihar al-Anwar v. 52 p. 380. *Kar’ah is a city in the north of Yemen.

[8] Bisharah al-Islam, p. 187.

[9]* Nahjul Balagha, letter 53. *Malik al-Ashtar was companion of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and one of the commanders of Imam Ali (A.S.). He was from Nakhaei tribe in Yemen and was appointed as the governor of Egypt by Imam Ali (A.S.). However, he was poisoned by the agents of Mu’awiya on his way to Egypt in 38 A.H. (658 AD). Imam Ali (A.S.) praised Malik al-Ashtar after his martyrdom which is reported in saying 443 of Nahjul Balagha.

[10] Bihar al-Anwar, v. 52 p. 210.

[11] Bihar al-Anwar, v. 52 p. 245.

Index of important places mentioned in Hadith

Al Kar‘ah, is a town in north-western Yemen located in Saada province, north of the Yemeni capital Sana’a. This region has complete Zaydi Shia population whose present leader is Abdul Malik Houthi. The Zaydi Shia majority and other Muslims in Yemen under the umbrella of Ansarullah Islamic movement are resisting oppression and armed aggression of the Wahabbi Zionist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for last several years. Thousands of Yemeni Muslims who are the poorest among the Arab countries have been killed and millions displaced since 2004. In 2004 a major uprising occurred in Saada by Zaydi Shias against the Wahabbi Zionist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that spread to neighbouring provinces of Hajjah, ‘;Amran, al-Jawfand and the Saudi province of Jizan. The Zaydi Shias in 2004 uprising defeated the invading powerful Saudi army which was fully assisted by US and NATO air force. Since last one week the air force of the Wahabbi Zionist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have once again launched a massive aggression against Yemen who are struggling to liberate themselves from the occupation of Yemen from the puppets imposed by the Wahabbi Zionist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the assistance of USA and NATO [the armed wing of Judeo-Christian Zionist alliance]


Posted by: shrazvi | December 29, 2018


Short Introduction of Imam Ali (A.S)
Name: Ali
Title: Amiral Momineen (Leader of the believers)
By name: Abul Hassan, Abu Turaab, Asadullah
Father: Abu Talib ibn Abdul Motalleb
Mother: Fatima binte Asad
Date of birth: 13 Rajab 23B.H
Place of birth: Inside Ka’ba. Mecca, Arabia
Period of Imamat: 30 years as the first divine Imam
Period of khilaafat: about 5 years
Place of Martyrdom: Mosque in Kufa (while leading morning congregation prayers on 19 Ramazan, Ali (A.S) was lethally wounded)
Date of Martyrdom: 21 Ramazan 40 A.H
Age: 63 years
Shrine: Najaf-e-Ashraf, Iraq
The best and last Messenger of God has said: “No one could understand Ali except God and myself.”
Ali was the only baby born inside Ka’ba, the house of God, built by Abraham (A.S).He was brought up by Mohammad (S.A) from his very childhood. He was a writer of the holy Quran with detailed references about all Aayat revealed to the holy messenger (S.A).
Ali (A.S) was an embodiment of many divine and praiseworthy attributes of God, during ascension of Mohammad (S.A) God spoke to him in the voice or tone of Ali (A.S). So ‘ghallat’ exaggerate or consider Ali (A.S) as God. But God is one and Unique and Immortal, so no mortal can ever be regarded as God. Ali (A.S) was in reality a super human being, physically and spiritually.
He was a valiant warrior, whose one stroke of sword excelled the worship of all men and jinn as declared by the holy messenger (S.A) in the battle of Khandaq, a war between entire faith against entire faithlessness.
Ali (A.S) was advised by the holy messenger (S.A) to be patient under all conditions so he did not draw his sword for twenty five years during plots and intrigues against him. Thus he prevented the pristine true Islam from being nipped in the bud.
Ali (A.S) led a simple life; “low living and high thinking” was his way of life. His food was also simple, mostly oat and barley. He was so rich that he donated his own property e.g. date gardens grown by him & wells which he dug and underground channels for irrigation to the poor.
Ali (A.S) was extremely erudite and fluent. His sermons, letters and words of wisdom have been partially compiled as Nahjul Balagha by Syed Razi. It is worthy of being taught throughout the world as a text book for perfection of human conduct and character.
Ali (A.S) was elected as the fourth khalifa by people. He dismissed those corrupt officers who were employed by the previous khalifa and were not suitable for their jobs.
Ali (A.S) is not less renowned than Daniel (A.S) for justice. Verdicts of Ali (A.S) are compiled as a book and many Jews, Christians and Non-Muslims embraced Islam appreciating his exquisite justice. People of his time were so nincompoop that they could not appreciate the superhuman qualities of Ali (A.S) and by order of his enemies specially Bani Umayyah, Ali was cursed in sermons from pulpits in all the mosques in spite of the hadith by the holy messenger (S.A): “One who dies without cognizance of the Imam of his time, dies the death of the era of ignorance (like idolaters).”So Ali (A.S) is regarded as the most oppressed one in the history of the world. Ali (A.S) was not allowed to establish the best form of government as a model for the world, because of satanic enemies and plots and intrigues against him.
As people could not appreciate Ali (A.S), the best man of his time they were punished by God to suffer the rule of Bani ummayah for a thousand months as mentioned in the holy Quran, commentary of sura e Qadr.
Golden words of the Leader of the Believers Imam Ali (A.S)
1. Wisdom.
• The most precious wealth is wisdom, and the most miserable poverty is stupidity.
• Half of wisdom is love and friendship with people. (The other half is to guard yourself against the evils of people)
(Words of wisdom, Nahjul Balagha, 142)
• Get hold of wisdom irrespective of its source, as wisdom is even in the hearts of hypocrites, where it is uneasy & flutters to emerge and occupy its proper place in a believer’s heart. (Words of wisdom, Nahjul Balagha, 76)
• No wisdom is like planning thoughtfully with tact.
(Words of wisdom, Nahjul Balagha, 76)
Note: intelligence is not worthy of reliance when it is against obedience to God and makes you exit from the highway of Gods blessed guides.
• Beware of companionship with the ignorant, he wishes to benefit you but in reality he harms you.
(Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 38)
• Poisons for wisdom are:
1. Greed
2. Poverty
3. Pride
4. Materialism or secularism
5. Addiction to wine
6. Captivity in carnal desires and caprice
7. Lust or sensuality.
8. Suspicion and evil temptations
9. Mocking and ridiculing
10. Getting imprisoned in the caprice of a ruler by serving his interests. (in disobedience to God)
(Nahjul Balagha)
Note: Wisdom is internal guide, whereas the holy Imams are external guides like messengers from God.
2. God.
• Imam Ali (A.S) has said: If all the curtains between me and God are removed, my belief in God (is so firm that it) will not increase any further.
• Someone asked Ali (A.S), “Do you worship a God, whom you have not seen?”
Ali (A.S) replied: “I do not worship a God whom I have not seen”
Note: Ali (A.S) has seen God through his heart & insight which is more reliable than eyes. Eyes cannot see air, nor microbes & virus, nor Laser & x-rays, nor invisible ultra violet and infra red-rays which are beyond the visible spectrum (violet to red). Eyes are deceived by mirage. The holy Quran says: “Eyes cannot see Him (God).”
No one has seen God neither His messengers nor Imams nor angels nor jinn’s nor anybody else, yet. But all’ momins’ have firm belief in God and they seek His help by saying ((بک يا الله on the ‘Night of Destiny’ although atheists & polytheists have been deceived by Satan, and their satanic evil spirit (نفس اماره).
• One who has cognizance of his soul has cognizance of God.
(Ghorarol hikam part 77 Hadith 301)
Note: a) Regarding ‘Soul’ God says: “They ask you about the ‘Soul’ Say the soul is a command of God & you are not given of its knowledge but a little. (S 17:A87)
When a person cannot understand his soul, He can never understand God’s Self, as worthy of Him.
In the holy Quran it is stated that, “God is Light of the heavens and the earth and is present everywhere. So He has no body & no abode. He is the Hidden & the Manifest, the Distant & the near. Eyes cannot see Him but He is visible to our heart & mind. He is Infinite & cannot be grasped by our finite knowledge: Nothing is like Him & no light is like God’s Light.
• Ali (A.S) says “O ‘He’ of whom no one knows WHAT ‘He’(God) is, nor How ‘He’ is, nor WHERE ‘He’ is, nor in WHICH direction,’ He’ is, except ‘He’ Himself “.
(Dua e Mashlool)
The holy messenger has said: “We could not understand you (God) to the extent worthy of your cognizance”.
No one has comprehension of God’s Self (ذات خدا) but all mankind by human nature loves and worships God and seeks His help when in danger and despair.
Men can understand some attributes of God as indicated in the holy Quran, such as, God is Beneficent & Merciful. He is Just & Loving & Praiseworthy. He is the Best Protector.
He is the Creator of everything merely with His Will & Intention. He is the First & Primal Existence & is Everlasting. He is Ever Alive without death & transformation.
He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing & All-Knowing and All Powerful. He can make trees & stones & anything speak (e.g. God’s voice came from a tree for Moses A.S), He has no partner. He is the Unerring, the Holy & the Wise. He is absolute Truth.
He has guided us through His appointed messengers & Imams regarding the purpose of our life with His commandments & prohibitions in Heavenly Books. (E.g. Torah, Bible, Quran)
He is Extremely Patient, and gives respite to criminals, sinners & tyrants before punishing them. He is forgiving for those who repent and seek pardon. He forgives the sinners, who love and follow God’s best pleaders & intercessors i.e. the fourteen sinless personalities when they intercede, with His permission
(من ذالذي يشفع عنده الا باذنه)
He is the Reviver of the dead for reckoning equitably on the Day of Judgment for eternal reward in Paradise or punishment in Hell.
3. Belief & Falsehood.
One never enjoys the relish of Belief until he gives up falsehood both in humorous and serious situations.
(Usul-e-Kafi Vol.2 P.340) Note: Belief is faith in 1.God the Just, 2.His appointed divine guides (.His messengers and Imams) 3. Resurrection or Day of Judgment & Recompense in paradise or hell.
4. Pride.
It is astonishing that son of Adam should be proud, when his beginning is a sperm and his end is a decaying corpse. (dead body). (Nahjul Balagha, Words of wisdom 454)
5. Man’s worth.
Every person’s worth is as much as his good deeds.
(Bihar-ul- Anvaar vol. 78 P.37)
Note: This sentence should be written with gold we live in deeds not years. A person, whose life is full of good deeds, good thoughts & good feelings, is much more precious than one, whose life is long but empty without precious good deeds.
6. Honour.
Your Honor is solid, but it becomes liquid when you beg or ask for something from people. Therefore you should see before whom your honor liquefies.
(Nahjul Balagha Words of wisdom 346)
Note: Men with high spirituality do not beg except from God or generous momins. Men with no sense of honor sell themselves to devilish tyrants at a cheap price & commit any sin or crime and earn eternal punishment in the hereafter.
7. Women.
Some good qualities of women are bad qualities for men:
Pride, modesty and miserliness are good for women but bad for men. Humility, Courage and Generosity are good qualities for men, and these are exactly the opposite of good qualities in women.
8. Adultery.
A person with sense of honor (غيرت) and sense of shame never commits adultery.
(Nahjul Balagha Words of wisdom 305)
a) To prevent Adultery, a person is allowed to marry up to four wives if he can be equitable and just to them, otherwise he should marry only one wife. One who is vicious and lacks justice should not marry even one good wife .One cannot marry two sisters. (S4:A23)
b).A Muslim woman is not permitted to marry a non-Muslim even on temporary basis unless he accepts Islam. A Muslim man can marry a good Christian or Jew woman by a temporary marriage contract, which can be made permanent if the bride accepts Islam.
c) Adultery is committed when a person disobeys the commandments of God about marriage and obeys Satan or satanical men.
9. Friends and foes.
Ali (A.S) has said:” You have three categories of your friends & enemies:
Your friends are: 1. your own friends. 2. Your friends’ friends 3. Your enemy’s enemy.
And your enemies are 1. Your own enemy 2. Your friend’s enemy 3. Your enemy’s friend.”
(Nahjul Balagha Words of wisdom 295)
Note: The above guidance should be taken into consideration by governments in diplomatic and human relations.
10. Garrulity.
• When intelligence attains perfection a persons’ garrulity or talkativeness is decreased
• One who is very talkative will make many mistakes, his mistakes will lessen his sense of shame, and when sense of shame is reduced he will have less piety and therefore a dead heart which will lead to hell.
(Tohofal Oqul P.89)
11. Gifts.
If good behavior failed to reform a person good gift or recompense will amend him.
(Ghorarol Hikam part 77 Hadith 547)
12. Freedom.
Do not enslave yourself to others when the Glorious God has created you free.
(Ghorarol Hikam part 85 Hadith 219)
Note: a) All persons should be true servants of God and obey Him and not the tyrants. Those who enslave themselves to tyrants not only lose their freedom, but also become a fuel for hell in the everlasting life hereafter. No one lives forever in this temporal world, so people should know their purpose of life and strive to please God, the Creator, Who puts everyone to test before recompensing him. Those who even agree with tyrants shall meet the same fate as the tyrants, no matter in which country they live, and even if they are hundreds of years distant from the tyrants.
God says: “Do not obey the faithless and the hypocrites”
(Ahzaab 33:1)
And God says: “Obey not from among them a sinner or a skeptic. (Dahr76: 24) So one should obey the messengers and Imams chosen by God; if they are killed by tyrants, God recompenses them with paradise.
b) Imam Ali (A.S) was martyred in a mosque while saying prayers. The misleading slogan of his enemies (kharejites) was: “Sovereignty or judgment is for God alone”.
(Yusuf 12:40)
Well the Ayat is quite true but it is misunderstood because God does not pass every verdict or judgment. God entrusts judgment to His divine guides.
The holy Quran states: “Judge between them by what God has revealed (the divine laws) and do not follow their (people’s) desires against the truth that has come to you.
Moreover, God says: “If they obey most of those on the earth, they will lead you astray from God’s way; they follow assumptions or conjectures and they fabricate lies”
Furthermore the holy Quran states: “Indeed God commands you that when you judge between people JUDGE WITH JUSTICE. (Nisa 4: 58)
Justice of Imam Ali (A.S) is unquestionable. The holy messenger (S.A) has said: “Ali is with the truth and the truth is with Ali.”
c) Murtad
God says: There is no compulsion in religion. (Ayat-al- Kursi) Then why should a person be punished if he gives up Islam?
Before accepting Islam one has freedom of choice to select whatever religion he likes, but after accepting Islam, one has to abide by all its rules and regulations and reach the highest peak of heavenly religion.
God says: what is there after truth except error.
(Yunos: 32)
When a Muslim rejects Islam he is known as murtad and God has commanded capital punishment for him to prevent hypocrisy and espionage and God does not commit a particle weight of tyranny and injustice. (S4:A40)
Therefore, those who criticize beheading a murtad are opponents of the divine finalized law of God and God says in sura e Maeda that those who do not implement the laws of God for justice are Tyrants ‘Zalimoon’, Infidels ‘Kafiroon, and Polytheists ‘ Moshrekoon’.
13. Commandment, Prohibition & Justice.
If you obey God’s commandments & His prohibitions they will neither allow death to approach you soon nor reduce your sustenance, rather they double your reward and make your recompense bountiful and what is superior to these two is to manifest JUSTICE for its administration by a cruel ruler. (Ghorarol hikam part 8 Hadith 272)
• A just Imam.
A just Imam for people is better than heavy rain.
(Ghorarol Hikam V: 1 P.386)
14. Human relations.
Associate with people in such a way that they love you warm heartedly during your lifetime, and weep for you when you die.
(Nahjul Balagha Words of wisdom 10 P.470)
15. Excessive attachment to family.
Beware of excessive attachment to your family & children because if they are God- loving, He will not neglect or ruin them, and if they are adversaries of God, why should you be attached to enemies of God?
(Nahjul Balagha Words of wisdom 352)
Note: Even the notorious son of Noah (A.S) the messenger of God, will not be remembered by him in paradise.
16. Words for Kumail.
• O Kumail! These hearts are containers of (knowledge and secrets). The best of them preserves its contents, so preserve & remember what I tell you.
People are of three categories:
1. The divine scholars (cognizant of God & Resurrection…)
2. The students who seek knowledge and are heading towards salvation
3. The common people who indiscriminately obey every croak speaker and go with the wind (like dust and straw) in every direction, they are not illuminated by the radiant knowledge (and remain in darkness & follow the strayed ones) and they do not take refuge in the reliable shelters (of wise divine guides).
• O Kumail! Knowledge is better than wealth. Knowledge guards you. (from the calamities of this world and the Hereafter) but it is you who guard your wealth. Wealth decreases by spending whereas knowledge increases by teaching others. Productions of wealth diminish when wealth diminishes.
• O Kumail! Religion is acquisition of divine knowledge by virtue of which one is recompensed on the Day of Judgment. By this knowledge a person succeeds in obedience (of God, His messenger and sinless Imams) during his lifetime and earns a good name after his death. Knowledge is the ruler and wealth is ruled over.
(Nahjul Balagha Words of wisdom 147 P.495)
Note: Komail was taught Dua e Komail by Ali (A.S) when requested to teach him Dua e Hazrat Khidr.
17. Tyranny.
• The worst tyranny is to tyrannize the humble and the meek.
(Nahjul Balagha, letter: 31)
• Tyranny over people is a bad provision for the Day of Resurrection
(Nahjul Balagha, Words of wisdom 221)
• Do not oppress others, as you do not like to be oppressed
By them. (Nahjul Balagha, letter 31)
• Severest punishment.
The severest punishment in the hereafter is for the tyrant ruler and the unchaste learned scholar.
(Ghorarol Hikam V: 2 P.74)
Note: A country survives with skepticism but it cannot survive with tyranny.
18. Unity of Ummah.
In reply to the letter of Abu Musa Ash’ari
Be aware that no person is so covetous and zealous as me (Ali A.S) for the unity and solidarity of the Ummah of Mohammad (S.A) for love and attachment between the people and thereby I shall attain good reward and worthy restoration (from God).
Note: Ali (A.S) was patient for 25 years in order to preserve the true religion brought by the messenger of God and he did not draw his sword to claim his right as a successor appointed by God on the 18th day of zilhaj at Ghadir. (Nahjul Balagha, Letter No.78)
19. Sunnah of Mohammad (S.A)
Letter No.77 written to Abdullah ibn Abbas when he was deputed to clear the misunderstanding of the Kharejites.
Do not argue with them by the Quran because Quran has many aspects (for interpretation of its hidden meanings). You will say (one meaning) and they will say (another meaning). Hence argue and convince them by Sunnah of the holy messenger (S.A) then they will be unable to escape from it. (Nahjul Balagha, Letter No.77)
Note: a) According to the Sunnah of the best messenger of God, Mohammad (S.A) no one can approach the excellence of Ali (A.S). From his very birth Ali (A.S) was brought up as a Muslim and he never worshipped any idols like others. His parents (Abu Talib & Fatima binte Asad) and the Messenger (S.A) and Khadijah (S.A) and many Arabs followed monotheism as taught by Ismail and Ibrahim (A.S) but many other Arabs deviated from monotheism and had become idol worshippers.
20. Concern of women & men.
Concern of women is disbelief, and concern of men is belief.
(Words of wisdom, Nahjul Balagha, 119)
Note a) Concern of women about men makes them jealous of other wives, as four wives are permitted by God to prevent adultery and for many other reasons; but concern of man about his wives is for guarding their chasteness, therefore it is belief and faith.
b) King Solomon was a messenger of God and he had a number of wives, similarly the holy messenger Mohammad (S.A) and also many holy Imams married a number of wives in obedience to God. Whereas adultery is persuaded by Satan and it is a sin.
c) Hazrat Khadijah (S.A) was the only wife of the holy messenger (S.A) as long as she was alive; but after her death, he (S.A) married many women.
Indian Hindus used to burn a living wife with her dead husband, called Sati. It was a great tyranny. God has permitted remarriage of widows, so Mohammad (S.A) married a number of widows not only to support them but also to give them honor as ‘ummul momineen’, i.e. mother of all believers. Sati was prohibited by impact of Muslim culture. Now women say ‘juti sati’ i.e. my shoe may be burnt instead of me.
d) There was a war for a hundred years between Kurawas and Pandavas as mentioned in Hindu mythology Mahabharata over the issue of a common wife between many men. Crimes in many countries are increasing because there is increase in the number of illegitimate children. Illegitimate children like Amr bin A’as and Obaydollah ibn Zia ad, were also responsible for martyrdom of Ali (A.S) & Imam Husain (A.S)
Nabigah the mother of A ‘as was an adulteress, like Marjaanah the mother of Ibn Ziaad. These well known facts are mentioned in Nahjul Balagha as well.
21. Deficiencies in women.
O people! Women are deficient in faith (worship of God) and deficient in their shares and deficient in their intelligence; their deficiency in worship is evident from their exemption from salaat and fasting during the period of menses. Their deficiency in sagacity and intelligence is obvious from the fact that witness of two women is equal to that of one man. Regarding deficiency in shares they inherit only half the share of men (i.e. a son inherits twice the share of a daughter.
Note: a) God has compensated deficiency of wisdom and intelligence of women by making them richer in feelings and emotions. (Example love of mothers for their children).
Since women lack intelligence their witness is likely to be diverted by feelings and emotions, so witness of two women is equal to witness of one man. Moreover women are not entrusted with the position of a judge by Islamic law. A minority of women who are wise should not be hurt by the truth of this general statement. There were exceptionally good women like Fatima Zahra (S.A) Mary, the mother of Jesus (S.A) Aasiah, the wife of Pharaoh who nourished Moses (A.S) and Khadija (S.A), the first woman who embraced Islam and was the mother of Orphans and she had saved her sister’s daughters from being buried alive and adopted them in such a way that they considered her as their own mother.
22. Chastity of the poor.
Chasteness is ornament of the poor and thankfulness is ornament of the rich.
23. Instructions for good administration.
Imam Ali (A.S) has given instructions to rulers for good administration of a country .A summary of these rules is as follows:
a) There should be a permanent leader as a representative of God. He should be strictly just and pious and implement the laws from the book of God, the holy Quran; he should be valiant, wise and well aware of all conditions of his time.
Wali-e-Faqih is a permanent leader as representative of Imam-e-Asr (A.F)
b) Rulers should be kind and loving towards their subjects & not wrathful. Anger and vengeance do not assist good administration. Rulers and officers should win confidence as friends and benefactors of their subjects or subordinates. Rulers should be tolerant of mistakes of their subjects.
c) Muslims should be treated as brothers, and non-Muslims as human beings with due justice
d) The best persons should be selected as secretaries for civil, judicial and military services irrespective of age and period of service.
e) At first, appointments should be made on probation, to assess the ability and potentialities of the employees
f) Confidential and reliable staff should report the activities and behavior of officers.
g) Officers should be well paid to prevent bribery and corruption.
h) Persons who committed atrocities and torture in service of oppressive rulers should not be employed in service. Advisors of rulers should be kind- hearted, truthful and honest.
i) Ones duties towards God and mankind should not be waived off; lest favoritism should make one unjust (e.g. the third khalifa Osman was killed because of favoritism for Bani Omayyad’s). All officers should exercise their power and experience in matters related to them and should not be dictated by their favorite subordinates.
j) Merchants and traders should be well patronized but they should be prevented from black marketing, hoarding and making excessive profits.
k) Farmers make a country wealthy (by production of cereals, fruits, grains, vegetables, sugar, etc and also by production of eggs & poultry, sheep, cattle & so on) Farmers should be provided with all facilities.
l) Handicrafts should be encouraged to eliminate poverty. Industries should be established.
m) The poor, disabled, and orphans should never be humiliated or treated with contempt .They should be given easy access and all help.
n) Avoid bloodshed; no one should be killed unless prescribed in the Islamic law by God.
o) Promises and terms of a treaty should always be respected.
Imam Ali (A.S) ruled the Muslim nation only for five years, because of satanic plots and intrigues against him. Civil wars, mutiny and false accusation of murder of Osman, Ali (A.S) was not allowed to establish the universal ideal government of perfect justice.
(Gist from Nahjul Balagha)
24. Monotheism.
Monotheism enlivens the soul.
(Ghorar al Hikam Vol.1 P.145)
Note: please see Sura Taw hid in the holy Quran
25. Minority.
Do not be afraid of the fact that the followers of truth are in minority. (Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 201)
Note: The followers of God are few, but followers of Satan are always in majority.
26. Amiral Momineen.
• How can I be content with the title of Amiral Momineen without sharing the difficulties of believers or without being a model for them in the ups and downs of life?
(Nahjul Balagha, Words of wisdom 209)
• Indeed God has made it compulsory for the just leaders and Imams that they should equalize their standard of life with the poor, lest poverty of the poor should infuriate them.
(Nahjul Balagha, Letter No 45)
27. Egotism.
• Egotism is a disease for nobleness.
(Ghorarol Hikam Vol.1 P.233)
• Egotism goads a person to deviate from the right path.
(Ghorarol Hikam Vol.1 P.124)
28. Gluttony.
Overeating (gluttony) ruins reason and wisdom.
(Ghorarol Hikam Vol1 P.172)
29. Resurrection.
• Everyone will be resurrected with the group he befriends with, so abstain from befriending enemies of God or loving those who are not God’s friends.
Note: a) The Messenger of God (S.A) has said:
Be well aware that one, who dies with love of Ahle Bayt (A.S) in his heart, dies as a martyr.
Be well aware that one who dies with love of Ahle Bayt (A.S) in his heart is forgiven.
Be well aware that one who dies with love of Ahle Bayt (A.S) in his heart dies like one who has turned to God with repentance.
Be well aware that one who dies with love of Ahle Bayt (A.S) in his heart dies with perfection of faith.
Be well aware that one who dies with love of Ahle Bayt (A.S) in his heart is given good tidings of paradise by Israel (A.S) and also by the two angels Munkir and Nakeer.
• Ali (A.S) has quoted from the holy Quran:
We do not delay the Day of Resurrection but for a determined term (Hud11:A104) (Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 189)
Note: Faith in Resurrection is of two kinds 1.Sincere 2.False (as seen in hypocrites & usurpers)
No matter how distant the day of Resurrection, every person has time (respite) up to his death for provision of good deeds for the hereafter, therefore, the holy Messenger (S.A) has said:”I & Resurrection are as near as two fingers in the hand.
30. Piety.
Ali (A.S) has quoted Ayat 23 from sura e Hadeed of the holy Quran regarding piety:
So do not WORRY about what has past, & do not EXULT for what (God) gives you (in future), &God does not like any selfish & conceited person.
31. The Will of Ali (A.S)
Every divine guide, i.e., Messenger or Imam is a spiritual father of the nation. The Holy Messenger (S.A.W.) has said : “I and Ali are father of this Ummah” .It is a matter of pride that we are regarded as posterity of Mohammad( S.A.W. ) and Ali (.S) This will is addressed to Imam Hasan( A.S) but it is really meant for all the nation. It will be extremely useful for our success in this life and in the Hereafter and should be borne in mind throughout our life.
A few abstracts from the will are as follows:
Father’s love:
• “ I consider you as a part of myself , rather you are my entire self , so much so, that if anything befalls you, it has befallen me, and if death approaches you , it has approached me”
Note a) this statement teaches us how much we should love and care for our children
b)Moses( A.S) had promised to patiently observe Hazrat e Khidr(A.S) without questioning him ,but when a young boy was killed by Khidr (A.S),Moses( AS ) criticized him .Khidr (A.S) explained to him that if the boy was alive he would be a disgrace for his parents and God will compensate the loss of that boy .
(and Imam Sadiq (A.S) has explained that God granted them a daughter in whose progeny there were seventy prophets of God)
Children’s mind.
• The heart of young children is like fertile land,
Whatever seed is sown therein it will grow”
It is the duty of parents not to neglect their children, otherwise their fertile. Hearts & minds will accept evil seeds in bad company.”
Keys of Treasuries.
• God has given the keys of His treasuries in your hands, so whenever you like you can open the doors of His blessings & favours with your prayers and supplications; pray to Him for continuous drizzling of His Mercy. His gift equals your sincerity & steadfastness in your intention.”
Note a) Imam Sajjad( A.S)has advised not to let your mind become a pasture ground for Satan to graze on, otherwise one should ask God to bless him with death, so that his life does not become worse than animals .Mind! You have power to think and make your life sublime.
Suicide is a sin, the wise never commit this sin .Imams (A.S) know their time of death from the All knowing God and they are pleased to return to God, so they do not take any step against the Will of God.
b) Your mental and physical diseases are cured by prayers. Good health is God’s blessing. No medicine can match physical exercises in fresh & unpolluted air for good health. Remember! Prevention is better than cure .Do not drink wine, and be not like swine to prevent crime.
c) Gluttony is an enemy of longevity. Light diet with empty stomach is good for studies before dawn, especially after sleeping well. Balanced food, pure water & sunshine are also necessary for good health. Thankfulness to God for all of His blessings increases His blessings bountifully.
Prayers not answered, why?
• “Sometimes you ask for something from God and it is not given to you, instead a better thing is given to you here or in the Hereafter.
• Sometimes you ask for something, which if given to you, your faith will be ruined.”
Note: a) you may ask God for wealth which if given to you it may make you faithless or a gambler e.g. gambling in horse racing, may make you bankrupt. You may ask for power to rule, which if given to you may make you a tyrant & fuel for hell. You may ask God for a beautiful wife if given to you she may not be chaste or ruin your life and end in a divorce.
Supplication to God.
• You should implore sincerely to God only, because granting & depriving is in His Hands
• Repel the calamities that inflict you by strong resolution, with patience & firm conviction (in God)
Aim of life.
• Be aware that you are created for the Hereafter & not for this world; for extinction not for living perpetually here; for death, not for eternal existence. You are on the way to the Hereafter.
The Creator.
• The Creator is the Destroyer, & the Destroyer is the Reviver
Note: The holy Quran states: Has not He, Who created the heavens & the earth, power to create similar to them (again)? Yes, indeed! He is the Originator, the All- Knowing’
Death & Hereafter.
• Always remember death and remember the incidents that will take place suddenly after death (so provide yourself with provisions for the Hereafter).
Note: a) A person may live up to 120 years in good hygienic environment, but because of sins, crimes, addiction, gluttony, grief and other factors his age is reduced. All angels Gabriel, Michael, I’zrael, Israfiel, and Satan, jinn’s, and everyone in the entire universe will perish by command of God, God alone never dies.
• Therefore be on guard against it(death)lest it approaches you at a time when you are in a sinful state, thinking to seek forgiveness and repentance later; but death obstructs between you and repentance; in such a case, you have ruined yourself.
• Be aware there is no excellence in the knowledge that does not benefit, & no benefit can be derived from knowledge which is not worthy of learning.
Note a) Magic & witchcraft & all things against the commandments of God should not be learnt.
b) If all human knowledge from Adam to this day in different fields of knowledge is accumulated together, it will be meager, as compared to what man does not know. When the promised savior Imam Mahdi (A.S) appears, man will acquire beneficial knowledge which will be fourteen times the present knowledge.
Good & Evil.
• There is no excellence in good deeds, which are based on evil.
Note: a. If a person acquires wealth or power by theft, murder, usury, gambling bribery, hypocrisy & so on, & spends this ill-gotten wealth for hajj, charity, & for building mosques, schools , orphanages, & other welfare activities, he cannot expect reward from God.
b. Acquisition of power by murder of Imams & divine guides is condemned by every wise person. Imam Hussain (A.S) Zachariah (A.S) &Yahya (A.S) were murdered by secular rulers. Similarly Joseph (A.S) & Imam Moosa Kazim (A.S) were imprisoned for a long time. Does it mean God’s intention & God’s party is defeated? It means God is patient & He is putting rulers & people to test & trial and on the Day of Judgment punishment is certain.
The Messenger (S.A)
• Be aware , no one has ever given news about God like the news given by the Holy Messenger(S.A.W. ) hence regard him as your benefactor & leader for rescue (from calamities & punishment )
Note .There is no compulsion in religion .All people are born monotheist ,they gladly welcome news about God and about continuation of life of all souls for recompense in Paradise by obeying God’s commandments with their freewill & not obeying God’s enemies like Satan, hypocrites, & self seeking and tyrant rulers.
The Blind guided.
• Sometimes a person with eyes strays from his right destination & the blind finds the right way.
• He (God) is far from being encompassed by heart or eye for believing in His Lordship.
• Which link is stronger than the link between you &God if you clasp it firmly?
• Be aware, if there was a partner for God, his messengers too would have come to guide you &you could have seen the effect of his sovereignty & you would have recognized his conduct & attributes; but God is One & Unique as He has described Himself in the holy Quran: Your God is the One God, so whoever expects to encounter his Lord should act righteously, & not associate anyone with the worship of his Lord. (Kahf. 18:110)
No one opposes Him in His Sovereignty & He can never be destroyed .He exists from eternity and he shall exist for ever.
Note: a). Arabs became idol worshipers & built a number of idols in Ka’ba although Abraham (A.S) had destroyed all the idols. Similarly Mohammad (S.A) &Ali (A.S) destroyed all the idols, therefore all Arab tribes became their enemies especially Bani Umayyad i.e. Abu Sufyan, Moaviyah &Yazid(L.A),who are described as shajarahe malo’ona in the holy Quran .(S17:A61)
b) Greeks were polytheists .Hindus are also polytheists, some people consider every attribute of God as a separate god and are therefore misguided.
• I advise you fear of God & obedience to His commandments & prohibitions & to sustain your heart with His remembrance & to hold His Cord strongly.
Friends & Foes.
• Whoever is indifferent to your loss or gain is your enemy.
• A stranger is one who has no friends.
• A friendly companion is harmonious like your relatives (so treat him like a relative)
• A friend is one who is true at heart and befriends you, even in your absence. (Otherwise he is a hypocrite and pretends to be a friend)
When asked whether a brother is better or a friend? The Imam replied that a brother is better if he is a friend; otherwise a friend is better than a brother.
The distant & the near
• Many a time the distant one is much nearer to you than the near one, and the near one is more distant from you than the distant.
Note: Salman Farsi although from a distant place like Iran was nearer to the Holy Messenger (S.A) than many of his Arab companions, so the Holy Messenger (S.A) announced that Salman was his Ahle Bayt. The Arabs close to the Messenger (S.A) could not attain this privileged position, so they were jealous of him.
Sincerity in advice.
• Let your advice for your brother be sincere (to please God) no matter whether your brother likes it or not.
(The above Hadith No 31 was abstracted from the Will of Ali (A.S) in Nahjul Balagha, Letter No 31)
32. Humbleness & honor.
• Humbleness is the ladder that leads to honor and dignity.
(Nahjul Balagha, Words of wisdom 396)
• Accept death but not contempt & dishonor (in the sight of God).
(Nahjul Balagha, words of wisdom396
• Magnanimity is to shun & avoid dishonor and contempt.
(Ghorarol Hikam V: 1 P.239)
Note: It is not proper for a believer (momin) to make himself contemptible.
33. Independence & political freedom
God has created you free so do not enslave yourself to others.
(Nahjul Balagha, Letter 31)
Note: this statement of Ali (A.S) covers political, social, economical and religious freedom. Regarding political freedom we shall briefly consider Palestine and Iran.
a) In Palestine freedom of people i.e. Muslims, Christians, Jews and Zionist is in danger if they do not come to an agreement and form a government to satisfy all. Aqsa Mosque is a bone of contention which Zionist like to occupy on pretext that king Solomon is buried there. It is the advice of Ali (A.S) that whenever a tyrant enslaves the free people, it is their duty to disobey the tyrants and obey God alone & implement the divine laws of God as explained by His divine guide. Many International Organizations have so far failed to solve the problem of Palestine. so it is necessary to overhaul international organizations in the interest of justice and God is the Super most Judge.
b) Iran & Iraq. There was a war between them for eight years and it destroyed both the countries economically, because petroleum was devalued to less than $5 per barrel; several thousand of Iranians were martyred by weapons & poisonous gases which is an international crime. The neighboring Arab countries & super powers were happy to support Sadaam & also to sell their weapons to him but God helped Iran in this imposed battle. Saddam and all enemies of Iran were badly disappointed when they could not enslave Iran nor oust Imam Khomeini (R.A). Eventually those Iranians who had fled to Iraq and other countries and were propagating against Iran will meet the same fate as Saddam. Therefore it is necessary for all to maintain unity and peace without occupying other countries except for reforming and developing them by bringing them under one flag of Imam Mahdi (A.S).
34. Quran.
One who reads Quran and then dies and then enters hell, he is the one of those who had ridiculed the Aayat of Quran scornfully.
Note: In western countries Quran is the best selling heavenly Book now, because someone had ridiculed it and taken it as an ordinary book, and not the book of God. Many Christians and Jews have embraced Islam after reading the holy Quran, which is a revelation from God and a lasting miracle, and There is a challenge in the holy Quran that no one can bring the like of it up to Dooms Day regarding its context and fluency in Arabic, and as the last book for human guidance all over the globe.
35. Imam Mahdi (A.S).
You will wait for a period of time until He (God) manifests a person (Imam Mahdi A.S) who brings about unity amongst you and relieves you from divisions into sects. So do not covet for the present Imam(Ali (A.S) who does not care for this world and has divorced her thrice) and do not lose hope about the Imam of the age in concealment.(Imam Mahdi (A.S).Verily the likeness of the posterity of Mohammad (S.A)is like heavenly stars; whenever a star vanishes a star appears(i.e. the world is never devoid of an Imam)in this manner blessings of God may be culminated on you and what you desire will be granted on you. i.e. you shall see that divine personality & definitely realize your aspiration for seeing the promised kingdom of justice of God on earth.
(Sermon No.99, Nahjul Balagha)
36. Desires.
Desires are the root of all afflictions & grief.
(Ghorarol Hikam V: 1 P.262)
37. Loan.
When you are rich seize the opportunity to give loan to a person who likes to pay you back when you direly need it.
Note: Loan without interest is called Qarzul Hasanah .God has prohibited interest on loan for any borrower. Loan sans interest is like giving loan to God. Who has Himself made you rich to test you? Banks can make you a partner and pay you any amount of profit (not interest) as your legitimate share in profitable investments of the bank. Interest is prohibited because it makes a man lazy & without activity. Usury makes a lender rich while the borrower becomes poor.
38. Physical and mental health.
a) Ali (A.S) has quoted from the Holy Messenger (S.A.W.): “Treat your sick ones with ‘Sadaqah’ charity.
b) Implore God to give you from the treasures of His Mercy that which no one else has the power to bestow.viz. lengthy lives, healthy bodies, abundance of sustenance (both material & spiritual)
c) Often medicines bring illness,* and often illness serves as medicine **.
(*.because of side effects and by weakening immunity i.e. resistance against disease, **.cough safeguards you against paralysis.
Illness and disease makes you pray to God sincerely and thus cleans you from sins.
d) For physical health lack of jealousy is vitally important.
e) Whoever is lacking in good deeds falls into grief & grief is half the cause of oldness.
f) One of the calamities is poverty beware of it.
What is worse than poverty is physical illness, and worse than physical illness is an evil heart. Remember that piety of heart ensures a healthy body. (Nahjul Balagha)
(If wealth is lost, nothing is lost.
If health is lost something is lost
If character is lost everything is lost.
(Because a person becomes fuel for hell)
Quince increases a man’s strength and removes his weakness of heart (Isfahan is famous for its Quince; its preserve is red in color and very tasty.)
• Pomegranate: Eat pomegranate with its pulp (peah) it is good for abdomen and digestion of food and has a tanning effect for stomach, it is good for heart and illuminate the soul .It is among the fruits of paradise (Rahmaan: 61)
• Pears: Eat pears because they burnish the heart.
• Figs: relax obstructions (sadad) and is beneficial for colic. Do not eat many figs at night but at day time.
• Brown Raisins (Maweez): Twenty one maweez before breakfast repel every disease and illness (i.e. a person’s immunity against diseases is strengthened)
(Islamic Medical Wisdom translated by Batool Ispahani)
39) Justice and benevolence
Ali (A.S) has explained the Ayat in the holy Quran:
Indeed God commands you justice and benevolence
(Nahl: 90)
Justice is to be equitable and to see everything is in its proper place whereas benevolence is boundless i.e. without limit and the Imam said: “justice (Adl) is superior to benevolence (Ehsaan), because justice is administrator in general and benevolence is only for special cases.
(Words of wisdom 237)
40. A supplication of Ali (A.S).
A comprehensive supplication was taught by Imam Ali (A.S) to a person who was reciting a lengthy supplication in a tiresome state:
In The Name Of Allah the Compassionate The Merciful.
Praise Be to God for All His Blessings.
And I beseech God for all virtues.
And I seek God’s refuge from all vices.
And I beg forgiveness from God for all sins.
O My God bless Mohammad and the descendants of Mohammad.

Posted by: shrazvi | May 25, 2017



Ramzan is the ninth (9th) month according to Islamic Lunar calendar. Ramzan (written as Ramadan) is derived from the Arabic root word ‘ramida’ or ‘arramad’ that means intense scorching heat and dryness, especially of the ground. Ramadan is so called to indicate the heating sensation in the stomach as a result of thirst. Others said it is so called because Ramadan scorches out the sins as it burns the ground. Some said it is so called because the hearts and souls are more readily receptive to the admonition and remembrance of Allah during Ramadan, as the sand and stones are receptive to the sun’s heat. Ramadan begins after the month of Shaban, after the new moon has been sighted. In case new moon is not sighted then after 30 days of Shaban, Ramadan begins. The month of Ramadan lasts for 29 or 30 days depending on the sighting of the moon. If the moon is sighted on the night of 29th fast then the month of Shawwal begins from tomorrow and Ramadan is over. The 1st of Shawwal is the Eid also known as Eid-ul-fitr to distinguish it from Eid-ul-azha (Bakri Eid). Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. The Quran clearly says “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you many learn piety and righteousness” – Al Baqarah, 2:183. Fasting is to be done by all able bodied men and women and children who have reached puberty. If a person is sick or has some medical reason or if a women is pregnant then they are waived from fasting. During Ramadan the people who fast are not allowed to eat or drink anything (including water) from dawn to after sunset. Also one has to restrain other body parts, which may render the fast worthless despite the main factor of hunger and thirst; so the tongue, for instance, must avoid backbiting, slander, and lies; the eyes should avoid looking into things considered by the Lawgiver as unlawful; the ears must stop from listening to conversation, words, songs, and lyrics that spoil the spirit of fasting; and finally restraining of the heart, and mind from indulging, themselves in other things besides zikr or Allah (remembrance of Allah).
Also when one is fasting and feels hunger and thirst he has to remember other people in the world who do not have food and water. Charity is one of the extremely recommended acts during fasting. Muslims are required to give minimum of 2.5% of their annual savings as charity to poor and needy people. Also there are various sayings of the prophet (pbuh) where he has said that any charity made in Ramadan is multiplied up to 70 times. If some people are poor and cannot afford to give money then even a smile is an act of charity.
In recent years lot of research has been done about the medical benefits of Ramadan. The physiological effect of fasting includes lower of blood sugar, lowering of cholesterol and lowering of the systolic blood pressure. In fact, Ramadan fasting would be an ideal recommendation for treatment of mild to moderate, stable, non-insulin diabetes, obesity and essential hypertension. There are psychological effects of fasting as well. There is a peace and tranquillity for those who fast during the month of Ramadan. Personal hostility is at a minimum, and the crime rate decreases. Muslims take advice from the Prophet who said, “If one slanders you or aggresses against you, say I am fasting.’” This psychological improvement could be related to better stabilization of blood glucose during fasting as hypoglycaemia after eating, aggravates behaviour changes. There is a beneficial effect of extra prayer at night. This not only helps with better utilization of food but also helps in output. There are 10 extra calories output for each rakat of the prayer. Again, we do not do prayers for exercise, but a mild movement of the joints with extra calorie utilization is a better form of exercise. Similarly, recitation of the Quran not only produces a tranquillity of heart and mind, but improves the memory. There is a beneficial effect of extra prayer at night. This not only helps with better utilization of food but also helps in output. There are 10 extra calories output for each rakat of the prayer. Again, we do not do prayers for exercise, but a mild movement of the joints with extra calorie utilization is a better form of exercise. Similarly, recitation of the Quran not only produces a tranquillity of heart and mind, but improves the memory.
Some people think that ‘one month of fasting is too much while others feel that it’s only one month where they can get their sins forgiven and get their rewards increased’
Ramzan is not going hungry by fasting, it should be THE cleansing of the soul, strengthen spirituality and immersion in ‘PRAYERS, READING QURAN & ZIKR’
May Allah bless us all and forgive all our sins and make us good Muslims and good human beings.

Posted by: shrazvi | February 21, 2017

Posted by: shrazvi | December 26, 2016



Posted by: shrazvi | December 26, 2016


Posted by: shrazvi | December 11, 2016


A blog about Azadari, Muharram Rituals in Indian Sub-Continent,Muharram Heritage,Taziadari,Forgotten Azadars,Shair-E-Ahlebait,Imambaras,Shrines dedicated to Maula Ali,Bibi Fatima, Imam Hasan and Hussain,Hazrat Abbas,Hazrat Zainab,Karbala, Martyrs of Karbala, Marsiyakhwans, Imam- e- Zamana, Dargahs, Nauhakhwans,Soz,Salam Marsiya.
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Imam Husain’s Great Hindu Azadar- Maharaja Kishan Prasad

A Great Hindu Azadar- Maharaja Kishan Prasad
By Prof.Mazhar Naqvi
Maharaja Sir Kishan Prasad Bahadur who twice held the position of Prime Minister of Hyderabad State was a great devotee of Imam Husain. Out of great respect for Mazloom Imam, he used to place tazias and alams in his house during Muharram every year. He also retained services of eminent Marsiyakhwan and Nauhakhwans to perform in the Majlises that he hosted from 7th to 10th Muharram with great veneration and reverence. Even the British Resident and other high ranking officials of Victorian empire were invited to attend these Majlises.

Deori( Mansion) of Maharaja in Hyderabad

Conferred with the title of ‘Yamin us-Sultanat’, Maharaja Kishan Prasad was born in Hyderabad on January 1, 1864.He belonged to a noble family that traced its roots back to Raja Todar Mal, the famous finance minister of Mughal emperor, Akbar. His grandfather Maharaja Chandu Lal had also occupied the coveted post of Prime Minister of Hyderabad State. Maharaja who had also earned the title of GCIE from the British empire as an acknowledgement of his accomplishments became the Prime Minister in 1901 and continued to serve the state in that capacity till 1912.The seventh and last Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan in whose installation as the ruler of Hyderabad Maharaja had played a pivotal role removed him from his post .It was Mir Osman Ali Khan himself who again appointed him as Prime Minister in 1926.he served with distinction his second term till 1937.
Maharaja was not only an ardent lover of Imam Husain but also a champion to the cause of national integration, communal harmony and education. He was a man of literary tastes and himself composed poetry with the Takhallus of Shaad. Maharaja exhibited his secular leanings by marrying three Hindu and four Muslim wives. He never imposed any religious restrictions on his wives and children and they were free to follow and adopt the religion of their choice.
As Prime Minister of a state known for its large scale observance of Muharram, he took keen interest in the affairs of Ashurkhanas patronized by Nizams. He ensured elaborate security arrangements for processions like Bibi Ka Alam on 10th Muharram. As an individual, he patronized greatly Ashurkhana ‘Naal Sahib’. On Shab-E-Ashur, he always hosted ‘Nazr-O-Niaz’ (offering made by an inferior to a superior) at a grand scale at Naal Sahib.
Naal is an Arabic word and refers to a metallic piece used to cover nose and forehead during battles. It is attached to armor cap, known as Khud in common parlance. It is believed that the Naal of Hazrat Imam Hussain was broken during his Jihad at Karbala. Every Azadar knows how the greedy commanders of Yazidi forces had left his dead body after removing his belongings. Somehow the broken Naal after passing several hands reached Bijapur during the rule of Yusuf Adil Shah. The precious Naal was sent to Golconda from Bijapur along with testimonials certifying its authenticity. The then ruler of Qutub Shahi Kingdom Ibrahim Qutub Shah received it with reverence and preserved in the shape of Arabic Allah as a part of an Alam. Gulzar-e-Asafia mentions the shifting of Naal Sahib after the construction of Hyderabad by Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah to a palace known as Ilahi Mahal near Char Kaman. The place has not changed since then and Naal Sahib Alam is installed every year on the first day of Muharram.
Due to personal interest of Maharaja Kishan Prasad, the Naal Mubarak emerged as hallmark of Muharram ceremonies in Hyderabad. The alam originates in the form of a procession on Shab-E-Ashur. The great attachment of Maharaja with Naal Sahib is attributed to its association with Imam Husain. In the King of martyrs, Maharaja found a role model for good governance and as a sequel to his leaning towards the message of Imam Husain, he was able to develop Hyderabad as State known for his communal harmony and also as the best administered province during the 37 year long rule of Mir Osman Ali Khan.
It is recorded that Maharaja used to stay back after Nazr-O-Niaz and preferred to witness the emergence of alam by a hereditary carrier. The Carrier called Alambardar was supported by Doribardars who carried the rope around the Alam, followed by Chatarbardars carrying the richly decorated umbrella .On Yaum-E-Ashura, Maharaja always came out of his palace to distribute alms to the down trodden. His favorite Naal Sahib procession attracts during Muharram every year thousands of devotees who present Nazr irrespective of their religion, caste or creed thanks to the harmonious culture developed by people like Maharaja.(Reference available on request)

Posted by: shrazvi | October 23, 2016

Persian Munajaat

Persian Munajaat
translated by
Kamran Husain Jafri.

Ya Rab Bahaqq-e-Syed-e-Konain Mustafa,
Bakhshish ka jo vaseela haiñ aur Makhzan-e-Ataa.

Ya Rab Bahaqq-e-Shah-e-Najaf Murtaza Ali,
Jis ka qaseeda padhte haiñ Yaseen-O-Hal Ataa.

Ya Rab tujhe Rasool ki beti ka vaasta,
Ya Rab tujhe Zehra ke hai dukhoñ ka vaasta.

Ya Rab Dil-e-Hasan ke hai tukdoñ ka vaasta,
Aalam ka jo Sultañ hai laqab jis ka Mujtaba.

Hai vaasta Maula tujhe pyaase Husain ka,
Hai vaasta Shaheed-e-Karbala ke khoon ka.

Maula hai vaasta-e-Zain-O-Baqir-O-Jafar,
Ya Rab tujhe hai vaasta-e-Musa-O-Raza.

Ya Rab Taqi-Naqi ki hai izzat ka vaasta,
Ya Rab tujhe Imam-e-Askari ka vaasta.

Ya Rab tujhe Imam-e-Zaman ka hai vaasta,
Maanind-e-Mustafa jo muttaqi ke haiñ Maula.

Ya Rab tere tamaam Rasooloñ ka vaasta,
Ya Rab tujhe Arvaah-e-Ambiya ka vaasta.

Ummeed hai ‘Moin’ ko bakhshega tu zuroor,
Hai vaasta Husain AlaihisSalaam ka.

Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti…a renowned Sufi of repute says …. The revival of Islam took place by the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (AS). Islam was saved through Imam Hussain (AS) …. That is why he termed IMAM HUSSAIN AS BUNIYAAD (Foundation) Of Islam.

Khwaja Muinu’d-Din Chishti says:
“Shah ast Hussain, Badshah ast Hussain Deen ast Hussain, deen panah ast Hussain, Sardaad, na daad dast dar dast-e-yazeed, Haqqa ke bina-e la ilah ast Hussain.”
“Hussain is Shah (spiritual leader), Hussain is Badshah (the administrative leader or the king) of this world. Hussain is himself “religion” and also the one who gave shelter to the religion. He preferred to give his head but not his hand to Yazeed. The fact is …Husain is the foundation of The Religion, the foundation of la ilah ilallah}

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